Thanksgiving ’06

Sometime in the late ’90s my family began having a Thanksgiving Day costume party. No one really remembers why this tradition started but it became a fixture of thanksgiving at my parents house.

While eating Thanksgiving dinner we ask yes/no questions to figure out who the characters are. You don’t have to just sit and let the questions come though. People usually stay in character during the whole meal, using any mannerisms the character would be known by.

There is only one rule: You are not supposed to put your costume together before thanksgiving day. But I do suspect that some secret planning is going on in advance:-) If there was a second rule it would say that you cannot be disqualified for planning ahead…as long as it is in secret.

This year had some very creative characters. A group photo is at the bottom.

Click photos for larger versions. (about50-70k)

p1010001.JPG Detective Poirot

p1010017.JPG Thursday Not the Daniel Defoe character, Thursday is related to the other days of the week.

p1010015b.JPG Samuel in ten years

p1010019.JPG Clarence –Our Norwegian grandfather

p1010021q.JPG Huckleberry Finn

moon.JPG Jack Nicholson

p1010025.JPG The constellation Orion

p1010026.JPG The Secret Service guy who carries the football for the president

p1010012.JPG Custers Last Stand – Custer was hoping we would ask what was up with the music stand. Then ‘he’ could say “oh, that’s my last one” 🙂



Maybe someday I will find photos from past years and try to put them up as well.

One Response to “Thanksgiving ’06”

  1. Tricia Mains, Wright Says:

    I didnt realize how many people were in your family I only remember Andy Ethan and Anna…I guess it has just been so long. I am completely amazed you guys are so blessed…I wish I came from a big family like that!!:)

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