Wood Lathe Competition

I was making some parts on a wood lathe a little while ago and discovered again how much fun working on a lathe is. Some of my brothers and sisters were having fun with it too so we decided to hold a lathe project competition. Originally my youngest sister said she would participate only if I agreed NOT to enter the competition. Eventually she relented though and I got to enter a piece as well.


My entry was a hickory oak bowl. It is about 2” deep and 4.5” wide. 04-14-07-andrews-bowl.jpg


John’s entry was a one piece candle holder. He made it for a friend so as soon as the competition was over he gave it away.

(John’s construction photos)


Sarah surprised us all and created this lamp for her entry.

The photos show that my little sister had nothing to fear from my entry. Her lamp was clearly the most challenging in design and it was finished as well or better than the other entries


Winning entry:

Sarah’s Lamp

Prize: bag of Hershey’s Chocolate

One Response to “Wood Lathe Competition”

  1. Michael Tim Says:

    I love your site!

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